Hard Lump On Back Of Neck. One of the most common conditions that cause lumps, bumps or swelling are cysts. For this reason, it’s important to see a healthcare provider if you develop a goiter. Your soft palate is located on the upper portion of the back of your mouth, behind your teeth. Hard lump on neck 18 Male 6’7” about 210 pounds A friend pointed out to me a few months ago my adams apple/ front of neck looked a bit uneven but I didn’t think anything of it. Even routine infections that can cause lymph nodes to swell should not be ignored, as they may mask or happen with the early warning signs of more serious complications. When the lump forms on either side of the neck, possible causes include: swollen lymph node related to a nose, throat, or mouth infection. Hi there, This is my first time posting. Usually, these lumps are benign (non-cancerous), but it’s important to have them examined by a … Hard pea-sized lump in neck. Its a hard, non-moveable lump that feels around 2-3cm diameter. You have lymph nodes in your armpits and neck (especially under your jaw, behind your ears and at the base of your skull), as well as in the groin. Spinal tumors that begin within the spinal cord or the covering of the spinal cord (dura) are called spinal cord … Hard lump on neck 18 Male 6’7” about 210 pounds A friend pointed out to me a few months ago my adams apple/ front of neck looked a bit uneven but I didn’t think anything of it. However, neck lumps are common and are usually caused by a less serious condition, such as an enlarged thyroid (goitre). Causes of a Lump on Back of the Neck 1. Neck lumps or masses can be large and visible, or they can be very small. Not many bad things hang out back there. This swelling usually clears up as the infection is treated. Some common causes of a lump on the back of the neck include: Thyroglossal duct cyst: These cysts can form while the fetus is still in the womb and present as small round or oval lumps or masses in the neck area of a child. A lipoma is a benign fatty growth. Applying heat or ice may ease the muscle pain a knot causes. It's not common for a lump behind the ear to be associated with lymphoma, 11 and most lumps caused by nasopharyngeal cancers are found toward the back of the neck even … Lumps in the neck can be caused by thyroid disease or other conditions such as: Lymph node enlargement 1 Lymphoma 2 An infectious abscess 3 A traumatic injury 4 However, you should know that a neck check is not considered the most accurate or reliable way to identify thyroid disease. I have not always had this on the back of my neck and it kind of jumped out at me when I saw it. “Weak muscles of the upper back and neck, as well as tight muscles in the neck and chest are . One of the most dreaded: the neck hump. When to see a doctor Lumps caused by an allergic reaction are often itchy or painful. Some common cysts include Baker’s cysts, a fluid-filled bulge that forms behind the knee and ganglion cysts, rounded lumps filled with a jelly-like fluid that can develop on tendons and joints. People with bumps on the back of the neck due to skin issues, such as boils, carbuncles, moles, and cysts, generally have a good outlook. thyroglossal duct cyst, usually near the front and center of the neck. You may not notice these cysts unless they grow large enough for you to feel them or see them or they rupture. Sunburn possible, but probably less likely unless there was some peeling or other inflammatory process going on a bit deeper as that was healing. Spindle cell lipoma: growths of fat and long cells that form on the back, neck and shoulders. Swollen lymph nodes and a lump: One of the most common signs of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a swollen lymph node or nodes, which causes a non-painful lump under the skin. Cancer Cancer can cause lumps … About 7 weeks ago I found a small hard lump on the right side of my neck (around about the middle of the right hand side - not too near the front or back). A vertebral tumor is a type of spinal tumor affecting the bones or vertebrae of the spine. I rarely self-diagnose because I know how horrifying Dr. If one has a neck lump, it should be evaluate promptly by a doctor. Razor bumps can occur anywhere on your body, but they’re more likely to develop in areas that are prone to ingrown hairs, including your: armpits face head neck legs pubic region Identifying. Lump or swelling the thyroid gland is known as a thyroid nodule. A neck lump can be a sign of a serious condition on your body, like an infection or a cancerous growth. Trichilemmal cysts can crop up anywhere on your body, but you’ll usually find them on your scalp, face and neck. Its on my hair line to the left of the back of my neck. What’s Causing This Lump on the Back of My Neck? Sebaceous cysts. A lymph node is considered … A dermatofibroma is a small, hard bump that grows under your skin. A small, round bump under the skin, usually on the face, neck or trunk; A tiny blackhead plugging the central opening of the cyst; A thick, yellow, smelly material that sometimes drains from the cyst; Redness, swelling and tenderness in the area, if inflamed or infected; When to see a doctor. When we think of viruses, we commonly think of the common cold and the flu. Cyst slow-growing bump under the skin that has a smooth surface can be. If you have a round, moveable lump under your skin, it may be a lipoma. Infections Majority of these knots on back of neck are caused by bacterial and viral infections. Slow-growing fat cells cause this benign, soft lump that usually appears under the skin on the neck, shoulders, back or arms. Tumours … commonly located in the neck, back, or shoulders only painful if it presses on a nerve Read the full article on lipoma. Recently I thought I’d check it out get about and I have a quite hard bump on one side of my neck. They usually appear on your neck, shoulders, back, or arms. Acne, including blackheads, pimples, and deep cystic acne, can cause lumps and swellings on the back of the neck. Lumps caused by an allergic reaction are often itchy or painful. Congenital goiter may occur due to defect in the synthesis of thyroxine. insect bite. This is also true for sebaceous cyst and lipoma fatty growths. If the abnormal cells grow in the thyroid glands, it is known as a thyroid tumor. Doctors treat soft palate cancer similarly to the way they treat other types of throat cancers — often with a combination of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. A lump on the right or left side of your neck could be a swollen lymph node, which may be caused by an infection. … If you have a round, moveable lump under your skin, it may be a lipoma. A little back story to myself and where I'm at ; My dad suddenly passed away in december 17 and ever since then I have had really bad anxiety about my … A vertebral tumor is a type of spinal tumor affecting the bones or vertebrae of the spine. These fatty masses feel soft, doughy, or rubbery. Some people with non-Hodgkin lymphoma also have other, more general symptoms. Any lump that unexpectedly appears and persists at the back of the neck should always be checked by your doctor to rule out any serious issues like thyroid cancer. Hard Lump On The Back Of Neck. Trichilemmal cysts are flesh-colored nodules or lumps that usually appear on your head. Sometimes this enlarges, causing a lump called an aneurysm. Boils typically get better in 2 days to 3 weeks . A lipoma near a nerve can squeeze it. These can also occur under the chin for men. This might cause a painless … Had lump at back of neck left side under hairline for a year,recently its got bigger, size of a kidney bean. The most common cause of neck lumps are that your lymph nodes are swollen. im one week into my 2 week referral on the cancer pathway. I won't say don't worry cos you will but I have … Thyroid cancer often causes a painless lump or swelling low down in the front of the neck. 30 Oct 2018 09:43. It’s a hard, non-moveable lump that feels around 2-3cm diameter. A lipoma is rarely a serious medical condition. A goiter appears as a swollen lump in the neck. The skin on the neck hairline frequently comes. Most of these lumps have pimple-like qualities. The most common symptom of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a painless swelling in a lymph node, usually in the neck, armpit or groin. The exercises could certainly fit if the lump was indeed muscle, and I will say that there is more muscle tissue back in that posterior triangle of the neck than nodal tissue or fat. This commonly occurs when your … You don't have any lymph nodes on the back of your neck, and you said your chest lump disappeared. But a neck … Your posterior cervical lymph nodes are located near the back of your neck. I rarely self-diagnose because I … Great - so that's actually less of a concern. Boil. The common causes of a bump on back of neck include: 1. A thyroid swallowing test is a way to check your thyroid gland at home. These are usually muscle swellings which mostly resolve after conservative management with anti-inflammatory medications and applying cold packs to the lump. Pea-sized lump on side of neck. A lump on the back of the neck can be associated with lymphoma, which is a type of cancer that affects the lymph nodes. Acne develops when sweat, bacteria, and oil block the pores. They usually grow continuously and can cause other symptoms like fever, night sweats, excessive fatigue and weight loss for no apparent reason. Doctors sometimes refer to pilar cysts as trichilemmal cysts. It’s on my hair line to the left of the back of my neck. your lump gets bigger. Have pain in my neck under my jaw snd down into my neck as well as small pea sized lump in right side of neck. Doing an at-home thyroid neck check can help you find lumps or an enlarged thyroid gland. If you notice any areas that look or feel bigger . Apparently neck cancer is his speciality. Common underlying causes of neck lumps Cancer. A compression fracture causes an increased forward curve. persistent itching of the skin all over the body. Healthy lymph nodes are small and firm. They can surface on your face, neck, arms and legs. Terrified, Please help! Hi Guys, Found my way to this forum as I'm very concearned about a lump on my neck. Signs and symptoms of a salivary gland tumor may include: A lump or swelling on or near your jaw or in your neck or mouth Numbness in part of your face Muscle weakness on one side of your face Persistent pain in the area of a salivary gland Difficulty swallowing Trouble opening your mouth widely When to see a doctor If you have recently changed the type of food you feed your cat and notice lumps on their head and neck, the lumps are likely evidence of an allergic reaction. Metastatic is a general term used to describe the spread of a cancer from some other location in the body. 11 Oct 2021 20:55 in response to rach2711. … See more Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils in the back of the throat) Serious Infections German measles, also known as rubella, can cause these lymph nodes to swell. These knots can be as small as a pea or as large as … Lumps in the neck can be caused by thyroid disease or other conditions such as: Lymph node enlargement 1 Lymphoma 2 An infectious abscess 3 A traumatic injury 4 However, you should know that a neck check is not considered the most accurate or reliable way to identify thyroid disease. Any lump that unexpectedly appears and persists at the back of the neck should always be checked by your doctor to rule out any serious issues like thyroid … A lump on the neck is also called a neck mass. This involves pressing the knot. Other possible causes include cysts, fatty growths, inflamed hair follicles, and bone spurs. Read more about salivary gland cancer: Cancer Research UK: salivary gland cancer Swollen lymph nodes usually occur in the head, neck, armpits, or groin. Just the thoughts alone about what this “lump” could be contributes to more tension stress in those areas. Lumps in your neck are most likely not serious. Stress, tension and pain lead to fatigue. They contain white blood cells that help to fight against infection. At the base of my neck/top of my spine there is a bony lump there that has not gone away and it causes a dull heavy sensation in my neck right where the spot is, so the middle of my neck. This posture results in a neck hump. As ridiculous as it sounds, it feels like a small hard ball (doesn't move) and has a tail. Lump found on neck. These lumps are usually firm and persist for over 1 to 2 months. Viruses. Occipital lymph nodesare those found on the back of your head, near the base of your skull. a high temperature (fever) feelings of breathlessness. Prevention Lumps on the back of the neck hairline can be the result of skin irritation or acne or may be a sign of a new mole. Swollen lymph nodes usually occur in the head, neck, armpits, or groin. Price. The bottom . When you lump occurring around the hairline at the back of your neck, its likely connected to a hair follicle or sebaceous gland problem. That you need to push in a bit to feel. Here are seven simple ways to get the upper hand with a painful neck knot. lump on back of neck, left side, about 1cm below hairline. She said for her lump, they felt all around and was saying it felt hard and needed a scan. Infections, clogged glands, and hormonal changes can all cause noncancerous lumps under the skin. D Potential causes of a lump on the neck include swollen lymph nodes, acne, and cysts. Enlarged lymph nodes are firm, moveable lumps felt underneath healthy skin of dogs. All you need to do a thyroid self-check is a mirror and a glass of water. Bacteria. From checking it appears to be the cervical lymph node which is near the back of my neck. These bumps are caused by the curling or sideways growth of hair under the skin surface. no apparent change in size? Dr. 5 posts since. Pleomorphic lipoma: growth of fat and cells of different shapes and sizes, they are usually found on the neck and the back. Healthcare professionals may also call them posterior cervical lymph nodes. A neck lump is more likely to be cancer if it: feels firm Lump on back of neck are common. Lymph nodes, also known as lymph glands, are pea-sized lumps of tissue found throughout the body. Only around 1 in every 20 neck lumps are cancer. Specific traits of the lump can sometimes tell you more about possible causes and whether you should have the lump … The exact location of a neck lump can hold clues about its cause. Lumps under the skin — usually in the neck, armpit, or groin area — can be a symptom of lymphoma. It is the major attachment for what is known as the ligamentum nuchae, which is a broad, strong, and flexible ligament that extends all the way from your skull to the base of your neck at the C7/T1 vertebra (that we will talk about later). 5 Sunburn possible, but probably less likely unless there was some peeling or other inflammatory process going on a bit deeper as that was healing. Ingrown hair bump Ingrown hair or razor bumps are small red or dark raised spots that might appear on the back of your neck after shaving too close to the skin. 30 Oct 2018. your lump is painful, red or hot. In that case you have little to worry about because it's one of the easiest cancers, and considering your age and health you should make a very quick recovery. “Weak muscles of the upper back and neck, as well as tight … A lump in the neck can be hard or soft, tender or non-tender. The lesion is soft to the touch. So, by correcting it, you will minimize the appearance of a neck hump. Occasionally a lump can come from the main blood vessel in the neck, the carotid artery. A lump behind the ear can be a harmless (benign) tumor, as with a mastoid osteoma, 1 or cancerous ( malignant) tumor, as in cases of parotid (salivary) gland cancers. Dr. “Bad posture is the most common cause of a dowager’s hump,” states Dr. You may feel pain, neck stiffness, or have difficulty … Lumps under the skin — usually in the neck, armpit, or groin area — can be a symptom of lymphoma. your lump is hard and does not . The lump appears after a specific trauma or performance of a physical activity. Usually, these lumps are benign (non-cancerous), but it’s important to have them examined by a physician if they don’t go away in a week or two. Boils typically get better in 2 days to 3 weeks. When to see a doctor Cause of a lump on the back of the neck Medically reviewed by J. epidermoid cyst. Muscle knots, including on the back of the neck, from injury, overuse, or tension. Less commonly, swollen lymph nodes can display a noninfectious illness like cancer or rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis and Tests How do healthcare providers diagnose trichilemmal cysts? Great - so that's actually less of a concern. Other symptoms. Why they pop up Swollen nodes are usually due. Lumps can be located in or under the skin, as in a sebaceous cyst, cystic acne, or lipoma. At the back compartment of the skull base (posterior cranial fossa), the following tumors are more common: Acoustic neuroma Chondrosarcoma Chordoma Epidermoid tumor Meningioma Other Skull Base Tumors Chondroma Chondromasare very rare benign tumors made of bone cartilage found in the skull. The spinal column is one of the most common sites for cancer to metastasize (spread) to. But most of these lumps are non-cancerous. Other causes. They can appear anywhere on the skin, but are most common on the face, neck and trunk. These cysts are smooth, dense. A pilar cyst may feel like a smooth, flesh-colored lump on your scalp that you first notice while washing or combing your hair. Heat may help soothe and relax the muscles. A muscle knot occurs when the muscle contracts incorrectly and does not … The most likely reason for a lump on the neck is swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenitis). Causes Of A Lump On Back Of The Neck 1. It can either be located under the skin or it may be from the tissues and organs within the neck. Congenital Goiter. It doesn't hurt, not tender, feels quite solid/hard and doesn't really move. A muscle knot occurs when the muscle contracts incorrectly and does not return to its normal relaxing. sebaceous cyst. Trigger point self-massage To loosen a muscle knot, do a trigger point self-massage. Spinal tumors that begin within the spinal cord or the covering of the spinal cord (dura) are called spinal cord tumors. Read on to learn about the. This lump is not symmetrical, if you look at it from the right and then the left it looks different. Epidermoid (ep-ih-DUR-moid) cysts are noncancerous small bumps beneath the skin. What causes it “Bad posture is the most common cause of a dowager’s hump,” states Dr. If appropriate, a doctor may want you to undergo a biopsy of the lymph node. Ice can help reduce inflammation in and around the knot. Our muscles and tendons maintain our body shape. The exact location of a neck lump can hold clues about its cause. If you experience any of the following, make an appointment pronto: A hard . Some common cysts include Baker’s cysts, a fluid-filled bulge that forms … A few months ago I noticed in the mirror that the back of my neck looked awfully odd. Enlargement of a single lymph node is not as worrisome as enlargement of multiple lymph nodes, which is often indicative of systemic disease or … Often, lumps are benign (harmless). Muscle knot. Intermittent sore throat. However, there are plenty of other. its firm and quite hard, feels round. Most commonly, this occurs … What causes it “Bad posture is the most common cause of a dowager’s hump,” states Dr. The lump on back of neck may be soft, hard, tender or non-tender. Other possible causes include muscle knots, … If they are not aligned, that usually causes muscular headaches on the back and sides of your head and neck pain at the back base of your skull. Other symptoms can … A lump in the neck or throat is most likely to be caused by one of the following (though there are several other possibilities): An infection (such as a cold, ear, … A thyroid swallowing test is a way to check your thyroid gland at home. Swollen lymph nodes generally happen because of infection from bacteria or viruses. … Sunburn possible, but probably less likely unless there was some peeling or other inflammatory process going on a bit deeper as that was healing. These bumps on the back of neck are developed by common infections such as measles or conditions such as strep throat. Shivadas says. lipoma. Most commonly, this occurs on the side of the neck, under the arm or in the groin region. Tumors that affect the vertebrae have often spread (metastasized) from cancers in other parts of the body. You may feel pain, neck stiffness, or have difficulty … The main symptom of salivary gland cancer is a lump or swelling on or near your jaw, or in your mouth or neck. You take a sip of water and watch your neck as you swallow. 2. For example, a lump caused by a swollen thyroid gland will usually appear on the front of the … About 3 weeks ago I noticed a hard lump on my neck, I've no idea how long its been there. It leans more to the right side of my neck and you can feel with your hands that it is not symmetrical. Myelolipoma: the rarest type of lipoma, they are growths of fat and the tissue responsible for making blood cells. A bump or lump on the back of the head is often due to an injury. 5 cm wide, palpable when in regular seated position. These. They are typically invisible since they remain beneath the skin and don’t cause lumps. Though it’s not clear what causes them, some people report. They are usually detected under the chin, on the neck, the front of the shoulder, or the back of the rear leg. Several things can cause a swollen posterior cervical lymph node, but the most common cause is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. Diagnosis and Tests How do healthcare providers diagnose trichilemmal cysts? Lumps in the neck can be caused by thyroid disease or other conditions such as: Lymph node enlargement 1 Lymphoma 2 An infectious abscess 3 A traumatic injury 4 However, you should know that a neck check is not considered the most accurate or reliable way to identify thyroid disease. Lumps and bumps along the hairline at the back of the neck may be due to skin irritation, acne, cysts, boils, muscle knots, and other causes. The common cause is however the inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by an infection occurring in the mouth, throat or other parts of the body. Though they’re usually harmless, some goiters are caused by thyroid cancer. Clasp your hands behind your back and slowly … Swollen lymph nodes and a lump: One of the most common signs of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a swollen lymph node or nodes, which causes a non-painful lump under the skin. Pilar cysts grow slowly, so you may not notice one right away. Epidermoid cysts occur most often on the face, neck and trunk. Usually, though, a lipoma causes no … 61-year old male. Google can be, but since I’ve already lost someone to cancer, every hard lump is a bit of a red flag. This skin lump is harmless, but it might itch or hurt at times. If you have one cyst, more may develop. Soft palate cancer is considered a type of throat cancer. Injury to a muscle or tendon, from an accident or strenuous movement, can result in a lump on the back of the neck. A boil is a . Some other common causes of swollen lymph nodes include: 1. I imagine it to look like a tadpole and I can follow the tail with my fingers for about 4-5cm. Most are also benign, or noncancerous. For adults, the chance that a neck lump is cancerous. 3. Hard pea-sized lump in neck. Several factors can cause swollen lymph nodes, such as: a cold or another viral infection bacterial infections tooth. . These can include: night sweats. Use whichever . For example, a lump caused by a swollen thyroid gland will usually appear on the front of the neck. How the lump feels One of the most common conditions that cause lumps, bumps or swelling are cysts. The main symptom of salivary gland cancer is a lump or swelling on or near your jaw, or in your mouth or neck. Neck Cervical Spine Tumors Overview Neoplasms of the spine can be categorized as primary tumors or metastatic tumors. A thyroid nodule causes neck mass in the newborn. A. It describes … Occipital lymph nodesare those found on the back of your head, near the base of your skull. 5 Lumps in the neck If a cancer in the mouth or throat spreads from where it started, the first place it usually spreads to is the lymph nodes in the neck. The lump on the back of your skull is known as the external occipital protuberance or EOP. “Weak muscles of the upper back and neck, as well as tight muscles in the neck and chest are often the cause for this forward-leaning humped posture. An ingrown hair is a strand of hair that either grows back into itself and reenters your skin or grows. A dermatofibroma is a small, hard bump that grows under your skin. If the lump appears somewhere on the back of the neck, possible causes include: swollen lymph node related to a scalp infection insect bite sebaceous cyst … Based on their causes, the lumps on back of neck can be distinguished as follows: 1. Now I may be wrong, and it could turn out to be a type of Lymphoma. A goiter is an enlarged thyroid—a gland located in your neck that makes hormones to help control many functions in the body. Keith Fisher, M. The lump may be the muscle itself as it moves in place when damaged. I have had that happen because of muscle spasms, and I did have a spine injury years ago, that I … Here are seven simple ways to get the upper hand with a painful neck knot. Most neck lumps are benign, but cancer is a possible cause. Sebaceous cysts are a common type of cyst that forms in blocked or damaged sebaceous glands. Often called a dowager’s hump or a buffalo hump (rather offensive, don’t you think?), a neck hump is known as kyphosis in the medical community. They tend to … Muscle knot. Most epidermoid cysts don't cause problems or need . James Ferguson answered Pediatrics 48 years experience Lymph node: There are thousands of lymph node located around the body that help screen out germs in the body serum. Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils in the back of the throat) Serious Infections German measles, also known as rubella, can cause these lymph nodes to swell. Lymph nodes back of the neck can cause concern, significantly if the lymph nodes swell. Hey Guys, So Ive reached a point where I literally cannot stop thinking/worrying about this lump on the back of my neck. Discontinue feeding them that food and see if the lumps subside. A . I would recommend seeing a PT/Massage therapist, one whom specializes in a whole body approach and works with myofascial massage / trigger points. 9 Causes of lump in the back of the neck 1. It usually is less than a few. Learn more here. Lumps in the neck can be caused by thyroid disease or other conditions such as: Lymph node enlargement 1 Lymphoma 2 An infectious abscess 3 A traumatic injury 4 However, you should know that a neck check is not considered the most accurate or reliable way to identify thyroid disease. [2] Lumps of this sort will be small, pale, and filled with fluid. They know what to feel for. noticed 3+ years. Hiep Le answered Nephrology and Dialysis 44 years experience You have lymph nodes in your armpits and neck (especially under your jaw, behind your ears and at the base of your skull), as well as in the groin. ” Other possible causes include: Osteoporosis. 4 In some cases, infected skin can lead to a growth called an abscess, which looks like a large pimple. Sebaceous cyst. I do have poor posture that I am trying to work on and I do have overall . But if you notice a lump or swelling anywhere on your body, have it checked by your doctor. Neck and shoulder blade pain is stress and tension. Other symptoms depend on where in the body the enlarged lymph glands are (for … Lumps and bumps along the hairline at the back of the neck may be due to skin irritation, acne, cysts, boils, muscle knots, and other causes. Heat or ice. Folliculitis There's no easy way to tell if a lump is cancerous from the outside, but there are some red flags, Dr. ” To do: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. ear infections 3. branchial cleft cyst. They often go undetected until they are swollen or infected. Sometimes it's even a spasmed muscle lump where things attach up by the mastoid tip behind the ear or the ridge of the skull back there. strep throat 2. Daniel2205. when bent forward, pliable, not fixed. A sebaceous cyst is a round lump that forms under the skin. Sort of a kidney bean shape and size I guess. Ingrown hairs are commonly a problem at sites where you regularly remove hair, such as the nape of your neck, perhaps. A hard lump under the skin does not necessarily indicate cancer. The skin on the neck hairline frequently comes into . Pilar cysts are skin cysts that usually develop on a person’s scalp but can also occur on the neck. unintentional weight loss. Epidermoid cysts are slow growing and often painless, so they rarely cause problems or need treatment. These knots can be as small as a pea or as large as a baseball. Other symptoms can include numbness in part of your face and drooping on one side of your face. Most neck lumps arent harmful. Causes The cause of lipomas isn't fully understood. 1. Lump on Back of Neck under Skin Hurts Hard lump on neck 18 Male 6’7” about 210 pounds A friend pointed out to me a few months ago my adams apple/ front of neck looked a bit uneven but I didn’t think anything of it. less than 1cm long, about .
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